Tuesday, November 17, 2020
In my last article I asked how you are doing and talked about the practice of noticing the goodness that is around you every day. I’m really interested in the little and big things that are sustaining you right now. The actions that are helping you stay positive, connected, inspired and hopeful while also being safe. I am collecting these stories so that everyone can benefit from each other.
Every one of you has a story to tell and I love the idea of hearing from all parts of the community. I have no idea what is going on in schools these days since Jim and Madeline aren’t at them anymore, but I know there are always good things happening. I’d love to hear from students or teachers. I’m not living or working in Extendicare or Highland Wood but I would love to hear from residents and staff. Neighbours are doing all kinds of kind things for each other. I want to hear from everyone of all ages across the county. Nature lovers, artists, business people, health care workers, patients, students, teachers, friends, family members, grandparents, athletes, volunteers, neighbours. Perhaps someone has helped you or done something kind for you that is making a difference. Maybe you have started a new hobby that has surprised you. Maybe you are spending more time around a campfire than in your own living room. I imagine some of you are reading or knitting or singing your way through covid. All stories matter and inspire.
So here is the plan. Stories can be 50 - 500 words in length, written or recorded. They can name people, or not. I have a page on the Haliburton County Echo website (www.haliburtonecho.ca) with ideas to get you started with your story. Write your story, or record and send it to me at Happy Stories ℅ Lynda Shadbolt, Box 1238 Haliburton, Ontario K0M 1S0 or email it to me at haliburtonyoga@gmail.com. You can also text recorded stories to me at 705-854-0196. Spelling or grammar does not need to be perfect! I am interested in the essence of what you are paying attention to. A selection of stories will posted on the Echo website so anyone can go there to be uplifted. From the winter solstice, to the spring solstice I will include parts or whole stories in this space as part of my article. I will help to spread your good stories which will hopefully lift everyones spirits.
Together we will stay connected and inspired while being safe. I look forward to hearing from you!!!! PS. I never thought I would write articles for the Echo. I never saw myself as a writer. Jenn Watt asked me to write in 2010 (initially about the benefits of yoga) and I have been writing ever since. If you read my articles you will know that some times there are errors. I am not perfect and I don’t expect perfection. I just want to hear what is in your heart! If I can do it, so can you! Go right now… grab your pen. Make a list of good things! Something on that list will make a good story. Peace and love to you all. And I can’t wait to hear your stories.