Payment for Yoga Classes
All classes are by donation

Lynda does all of her classes based on the buddhist tradition of “dana.”
Dana is a Pali term meaning “generosity” or “giving”. At the end of each class, month, or term, people are given the opportunity to give a donation to the teacher.
Donators are not expected to go beyond their financial limits and are encouraged to give with an open, loving heart.
General guidelines for a class fees are as follows, but you are welcome to adjust:
Drop in students: $20 per class
Regular attendance students - $15 per class
You are welcome to pay by:
1. etransfer at haliburtonyoga@gmail.com.
2. Mail a cheque made out to Lynda Shadbolt to Box 1238 Haliburton, Ontario K0M 1S0.
3. You can drop cash off at the Haliburton Chiropractic office.
You are welcome to pay on a schedule that suits you. Some people donate after every class, some once a month and some for the term.
Thank You