Tuesday, September 22, 2015

In the school system, when some one does a good job or something that is really helpful or noticeable they are often given a “shout out”. The shout out acknowledges their effort, dedication and or accomplishment.
I’d like to give a shout out to Doreen Rae, mother of Scott Rae, who lives in Haliburton. Doreen and her husband Grant (who passed a couple of years ago) have lived in Haliburton for many years and have raised 2 wonderful sons that they love. Doreen and Grant’s son, Scott, had an accident this past spring while at work and ended up in St. Micheal’s hospital in Toronto. For 2 weeks he was completely paralyzed from the neck down and could only move his left big toe. He and his family were told there was no spinal damage and that he would walk again and that it would take 2-4 years. And so Scott began his healing journey. He was transferred to Lyndhurst Centre and began his physiotherapy and rehabilitation program. The reason I think Doreen and Grant deserve a shout out is because they raised a son who they taught to work hard, to persevere, to stay positive and to accept that there will be times in your life when you will be uncomfortable. And some times things will be really tough but you just keep going.You keep a positive attitude and you carry on.
My husband and I were sitting in Baked and Battered last weekend when Scott, and his beautiful wife Sue, walked in the door. I can’t tell you how emotional we felt to see him walking and smiling and back in our community, especially in such a short time. It has been about 5 months since his accident. We sat down and talked about his experience for the past months and what stood out for me was how hard he had to work every day since his accident to strengthen and regain use of every part of his body. Of course it wasn’t easy. He told Jim and I about how great all the doctors and nurses and physiotherapists were, and how hard they pushed him. And how hard he pushed himself. He had to be willing to be uncomfortable to strengthen. And it will be like that for some time as his body continues to recover.
I think one think I have learned from this story is that as parents we need to let our kids have experiences where they are uncomfortable and if/ when they do get hurt or injured teach them that their body will heal. We all need to learn how to recover and heal. Kids learn how to use their bodies through activities like swimming, running, gardening, walking, exploring and falling. I don’t think any parents do their kids a service by keeping them safe or not teaching them how to use their body or enjoy moving their body. Every single person will have to recover from something some day. Scott’s story of recovering is inspirational beyond belief. Welcome home Scott and Sue. The whole community has been thinking of you and is so happy for you.