Tuesday, July 17, 2012
At this time of year I become a "butterfly widow". My husband, and his "boy
friends", head out almost every weekend to do Odonate (dragonflys and
damselflies) and Lepidoptera (butterfly) surveys. They travel to
Alongquin Park, Sunderland, Point Pelee and of course they do surveys in
Haliburton County. Some of the team helps out with the Killarney Survey.
In a survey they identify and estimate the numbers of each species in a
given area. It is citizen science which is about people who want volunteer
and go out and collect data which then is given to scientists. Jim, and his
friends do it (and bird counts at Christmas) because they love to learn, be
outside, be together on an adventure and they care about on going health of these living beings. They always come home with the funny and interesting stories. In Sunderland this year, they found a field and they were surrounded by thousands of Northern Crescent and Wood Nymph butterflies. They said it was magical. Jim came home with stories of Sedge Sprites, Violet Dancers, Eastern Forktales. I just love the names of these dragonflies and damselflies! The guys spend all day paying attention to the smallest details on these creatures. That is how they identify them. It is fascinating.
And in order to get ready for a survey, my husband will
go out into the garden or meadow to practice or brush up on his identifying
skills. While out in the meadow last week he found this little yellow crab
spider on a plant. He laughed as he told Madeline that the spider was so
hot that it was all spread out on this plant and his little leg was hanging
over the edge. That little crab spider was on that plant every day for the
next five days. It is wonderful to be able to slow down and pay attention
to these little miracles that are around us all of the time. I've been
paying attention to details in my own, but different way this summer. I had
the pleasure of attending the unveiling of the newest sculpture at the
Haliburton Sculpture Forest. It was donated by Noreen Blake and it is
exquisite. It is called " A Conspiracy of Ravens" and what I love about it
is the details that are on the birds (on top and underneath and inside the
mouths of the birds). I love that it is a piece that feels like it is in
motion and that you can touch it. I have a whole new appreciation for
Ravens, and for this kind of art. Years ago a yoga teacher said to me
"instead of thinking this posture needs to look or feel a certain way, focus
on what is possible today." I think there are so many possibilities around
us in the county. We are lucky.